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Battle to be the lion king: Predators in brutal fight over who will lead their pride in South Africa

These dramatic images show two kings of the jungle locked in an explosive battle for dominance over their pride.

The two male lions were seen lashing out at one another in a brutal encounter in Sabi Sand Reserve, in the south western section of Kruger National Park, South Africa.

The fearsome predators landed powerful blows as they clashed over leadership – before one eventually submitted by falling onto its back.

Battle for supremacy: Dramatic images show an explosive battle for supremacy as two kings of the jungle fought for dominance over their pride in South Africa

The two male lions were seen lashing out at one another in a brutal encounter in Sabi Sand Reserve, in the south western section of Kruger National Park, South Africa

The fearsome predators landed powerful blows as they clashed over leadership of their pride – before one eventually submitted by falling onto its back

South African-born sales manager Corlette Wessels, 46, captured these dramatic pictures of the intense fight while on a safari tour

South African-born sales manager Corlette Wessels, 46, captured these dramatic pictures of the intense fight while on a safari tour.

She said: ‘One of the males arrived much later to the pride than the other, and with the females with cubs present, I think there was some tension between them.

‘They both stood up without warning and just lashed out at one another. You could just see the power of their paws as they hit each other.’

Lashing out: One of the lions could be seen landing a powerful blow on its rival as they clashed in a brutal battle for supremacy

Lion hearts: Despite lashing out at one another, both of the fearsome predators walked away from the encounter unscathed

Falling down: The lions – who together are known as the ‘Charleston Boys’ – fought an intense battle that lasted just 20 seconds before one relented and lay down on its back

Ms Wessels said both lions, known as the ‘Charleston Boys’, clashed for about 20 seconds. Whilst the fight was in motion, the females and cubs nervously settled some distance away from the commotion.

She said she witnessed the animals squaring off and that it seemed as if they were showing each other respect. Both lions walked away without injury.

Ms Wessels added: ‘I’ve always wanted to see two males fight, and was extremely lucky to have been able to experience this.’

The photographer said there was clearly tension between the two males before they came to blows in South Africa’s Sabi Sand Reserve

The powerful rivals (pictured) took swipes at one another as they clashed in a brutal fight for leadership over the pride

Ms Wessels said she had wanted to see two males lions fight and was ‘extremely lucky to have been able to experience this’

Lion kings: The big cats face off during their fearsome clash in Sabi Sand Reserve, in the south western section of Kruger National Park, South Africa

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