A wrinkled sand-colored dog adopts three abandoned tiger cubs

Two Siberian tiger cubs abandoned in Russia by their mother have found an unusual wet nurse — a wrinkled, sand-colored Shar Pei dog named Cleopatra.

Maternal instinct is a powerful thing, and it is especially visible in our best friends, dogs.

They are such wonderful mothers, not only for their own children, but for all the orphaned children of other species who require assistance.

This story demonstrates once again how mamma dogs can care for helpless creatures by showering them with unconditional love and comfort.

There is one crucial reason why wild animals should not be kept in captivity. They are prone to losing their maternal instinct and, as a result, reject their own newborns.

This is what happened to two newborn endangered tiger cubs. They would perish if it weren’t for this adorable Shar Pei mamma dog.

Two Siberian tiger cubs were born at Russia’s Oktyaberskiy health resort Zoo and were rejected by their mother shortly after birth. They had a slim chance of survival without their mother’s care and protection.

Cleopatra, a sand-colored, wrinkled Shar Pei dog, was there to save the orphaned cubs’ lives. She had just given birth to her own children and was getting ready to nurse two wild tiger cubs.

Cleopatra immediately accepted the newborn cubs and began caring for them, cleaning and breastfeeding them alongside her own babies.

The orphaned tigers not only found a loving adoptive mother, but also a large, loving family. They all slept in Cleopatra’s room together. Cleopa, one of the cubs, and Plyusha, the other, were named after Cleopatra.

Little tigers are not aggressive and pose no threat to the protective mamma dog. When they reach adulthood, they will return to the Zoo.

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