Mysterious alien-like ‘blue dragons’ with venomous stingers are washing up on Australian beaches

The blue dragons, which feed on other deadly marine animals, were discovered by a woman who was out walking on a beach.

Sydney beaches have become infested with alien-like dragons that are as dangerous as bluebottle jellyfish.

The strange creatures, known as blue dragons of the sea, resemble something out of a movie.

The blue ocean slugs, or glaucus atlanticus, were discovered washed up on Freshwater and Curl Curl beaches in Sydney’s north.

Sydney beaches have become infested with alien-like dragons (pictured), which are just as dangerous as bluebottle jellyfish.

The strange creatures, known as blue dragons of the sea, resemble something out of a movie.

The blue ocean slugs, or glaucus atlanticus, were discovered washed up on Freshwater and Curl Curl beaches in Sydney’s north.

Although the exquisite creatures appear to be inviting to touch, experts warn that the slugs can deliver potentially lethal stings.

(Image: Credit: Pen News/Maria Wagener)

Melissa Murray of the Australian Museum told 7 News that the fascinating sea creatures were members of the blue bottle family.

‘They’re absolutely beautiful,’ she said.

Every year, blue dragon slugs wash up on Sydney beaches, but they die as soon as they reach the water.

‘The glaucus atlanticus normally has tentacles in its system. If another creature tries to eat it they use the tentacles as a defence mechanism,’ Ms Murray said.

‘So if you do see one, don’t pick it up with your hands. Use a bucket with water instead.’

Although the exquisite creatures look inviting to touch, experts have warned the slugs could give potentially dangerous stings

Blue Ocean Slugs

What are they?

Blue Ocean Slugs, or glaucus atlanticus, are small sea slugs that live in the ocean.

The blue ocean slugs are part of the ‘blue tide’ group of animals which includes bluebottle jellyfish.

What do they eat?

Feasting on some of the most poisonous jelly fish in the ocean, the blue dragons seem to favour the deadly Portuguese man o’war.

The blue slugs take the poison from the jellyfish it is eating and stores it to use against predators.

How big are they?

The rarely-seen blue dragons grown up to three centimeters long.

Where are they found?

The majestic looking slugs live in warm, tropical waters and follow the current which leaves them being washed up on shore at times.

Are they deadly to humans? 

People are advised not to touch the blue sea slugs because they may receive a painful sting.

The sting could be potentially dangerous.

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