“Queimada Grande Island: The World’s Most Perilous Location, Inhabited by Thousands of Highly Venomous Snakes”


Queimada Graпde Islaпd: The Wοrld’s Mοst Perilοus Lοcatiοп, Where Thοusaпds οf Highly Veпοmοus Sпakes Cοпverge

The Brazilian island of Queimada Grande is not a particularly thrilling tourist destination. The island, which is considered to be one of the most hazardous sites on earth, is covered in hundreds of poisonous snakes.

On the island 35 kilometers south of Sao Paulo, the location is off-limits due to the presence of poisonous snakes. The literal translation of Queimada Grande is “snake island.” The island is covered with thousands of enomou snakes, with approximately five snakes per square meter of land.

The Bathrops insularis, a venomous snake species located on the island, is one of the most venomous and dangerous snakes in the world. Muscular tissue decomposes and human defecation disintegrate after ingestion of the highly rotund toxin. While the island of Queimada Grande is a frightening place, it is also unique. This is the largest natural snake sanctuary in the world, where thousands of snakes flourish without human intervention.

Since 1985, the island has been designated as a protected location by the Brazilian government. Unfortunately, this island’s protection has historically frightened away many saene. In the late 19th century, a group of merchants from Sao Paulo attempted to plant banana plantations on the island but were unsuccessful due to serpent attacks. In addition, many individuals attempted to _urn the island, but the weather prevented them.

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