Surprised to discover strange sharks in Mexico

Recently, a strange fish was discovered by a fisherman off the coast of Mexico. According to many people this is a sick shark.

According to the Daily Mail, a fisherman named Jaime Rendon in the Cabo region, Mexico early last week (March 29) happened to catch a strange fish with a strange shape and color.

This fish has a bulging belly like a balloon, pale pink skin and especially big, clear blue eyes like the eyes of aliens.

It is known that Jaime fisherman caught this fish offshore at a depth of 112m. After pulling it onto the boat, he was stunned.

Jaime said: “I was really surprised, its eyes are very strange, very blue. Those eyes are very alien-like.”

Soon after, Jaime shared pictures of this strange fish on the social networking site Facebook. It quickly gained a lot of attention.

Many experienced people believe that this fish is a shark with the scientific name Cephaloscyllium Ventriosum. Because it has a unique skin type and 3 small teeth like a shark. Due to being born with albinism, lacking the typical pigments, it has such a peculiar skin color.

However, Jaime did not think so. Because normally, all types of sharks have 5-7 gills on each side, but this fish only has 3 gill slits on each side of the head. Furthermore, it has unusually blue eyes.

Previously, a fisherman named Hope McLawrence (74 years old) living in Grenada – an island nation in the Caribbean Sea also caught a strange fish with a strange shape.

This fish has a long spine on its back, has a mouth and two nostrils like a human. More specifically, it walks on two legs on the ocean floor. Its feet also have protruding toes.

McLawrence said he was extremely confused when he saw the creature caught in his net. He said that he has been doing this job for more than 50 years, but he has never seen such a strange fish.


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