The 4-year love story of the jaguar-black couple caused a fever

In this photo titled ‘Eternal Couple’ taken in Nagarhole National Park, India, the black panther stands behind the jaguar as if it were its shadow. Both animals are calmly looking at the camera.

“I can still close my eyes and relive that moment every day of my life. You won’t see that often. Maybe it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Mithun said.

According to the Indian photographer, these two leopards have been friends for four years.









Usually, when leopard couples flirt, the male takes the initiative and moves around the female. But in this case, the female jaguar took the initiative to lead the black panther to follow.

Mithun said he waited in the same spot for six days after hearing two cheetahs mating 100 meters away, but was unable to see them due to poor visibility. Thanks to his years of experience with cheetahs, Mithun determined the route the male leopard would take. Finally after 6 days, it appeared with the female.

According to Mithun, the pair have been paired with each other since 2016. He has been following them ever since.

“I’ve photographed them many times before when they were together once a year to mate. But this time was special because it was the perfect moment when they got back together and didn’t care about the world,” Mithun said. speak.

“The jungle hides mysteries and ignites my passion. You can wait days, months, years and years just to take the perfect picture. But when the moment comes , it only lasts a few seconds. It’s still magical. That’s the beauty of wildlife photography,” added Mithun.

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